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The Slovak language
Slovak is one of the western Slavic languages, making it very difficult for those who want to learn it, above all if, like the Spanish, they are speakers of Latin languages; especially in aspects such as phonetics and grammar (Slovak grammar has up to seven declensions, according to different situations and references). The curious thing is that the Slovaks do not have this problem at all; in fact, they boast about having an extremely favorable disposition to learning foreign languages, even on a self-taught basis. Slovak and Czech have certain common characteristics which facilitate communication between the two republics, even between institutions and official authorities. In a situation that has a curious similarity with the relationship our Portuguese neighbors have with us, the Spanish, the Slovaks are said to find the language of their neighbors easier than vice versa. At all events, it is impossible not to refer to the common history of these two countries which split up by mutual agreement after the end of communist rule, so we recommend you to see the section devoted to the Czech language.
The fact is that following the split, Slovakia has implemented a number of major structural reforms, such as the privatization of banking, and adopted a stable market economy to facilitate its recent accession to the European Union. Since then, it has become one of the most interesting destinations for foreign investors, among other things, we should not forget, because wages in Slovakia are still lower than the European average. Before the outbreak of the crisis, this fact, which is particularly true in the field of the automobile industry, made for a remarkable economic development, so much so that the small republic was nicknamed «the Tiger of the Carpathians».
The Slovak language has about 6 million speakers, most of whom live in Slovakia itself. It is therefore not one of the 100 most widely spoken languages in the world, although of course, in the Czech Republic and various other European countries.