F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions

To request a translation quote, send us an e-mail along with the text to be translated to info@cosmolingo.com.
The price for translation is determined by the number of words of the original text and the text type. The language combination and delivery deadline are equally important factors in determining the price. Use our Price Calculator to calculate the price of your translation.
You have probably wondered more than once why translations of some languages are usually more expensive than others. The answer is that there are some languages that are generally more common than others. With most language combinations there is no difficulty in carrying out a translation because there are many translators available. However, for less common languages there are fewer translators and therefore there is less competition, and when this occurs, we all know what the consequences are. In other words, these translations are much more expensive than others.
You can determine the number of words of your documents by using the function "Word Count" in Microsoft Word (You will find the number of words in the status bar or in the menu "Tools" under "Word Count"). You can also send us an e-mail along with the text to be translated to info@cosmolingo.com.
We estimate approximately 350 words per page.
A variety of factors determine the delivery time frame of a translation, including the language combination, word count, delivery format, and of course, the complexity of the text. As a general rule, our translators are able to translate about 1500 to 2000 words per day. Additional time is required for revision and administrative work (e.g., 4000 words in 3 days, 6000 words in 4 days, etc.)
We can assign several translators to one translation project. By doing so, we are able to translate a greater volume of text in a short period of time, while still preserving terminology and meaning.
We provide expedited translation services with same-day delivery, or delivery within 24 hours. Request an Online Quote or contact us directly, and we will quickly respond with information about our availability, based on the size and complexity of the text to be translated.
To request a translation quote, send us an e-mail along with the text to be translated to info@cosmolingo.com
You can submit your documents in any format.
Whenever possible, we deliver your translation in its original format. That is, if your original document is a pdf, we will deliver your translation as a pdf document. Otherwise, we will deliver the translated text in doc format.
You can e-mail the documents to be translated to info@cosmolingo.com
Absolutely! Confidentiality holds the highest priority in our translation and interpretation services. Our translators and associates sign a confidentiality agreement with us to treat all accessible information as strictly confidential and to not use any accessible information for any purpose not related strictly to the translation project.
You can make payment for the services rendered to the account shown on the invoice or via PayPal™ within 30 days from the billing date. If it is a sworn translation, the total amount due must be paid in advance. For large-volume requests, we have special conditions. Please contact us for more information.
PayPal™ is a safe and fast internet payment system through which you can easily make purchases using a debit card, credit card, or electronic bank transfer. PayPal™ is safe because your financial information is securely stored and protected by security systems and industry-leading fraud prevention systems. In Fact, only PayPal™ knows your bank information.

Translators’ questions

To be a Cosmolingo translator you must have a degree in translation or interpretation or possess a similar qualification (e.g. Degree in Philology). You must also be registered as self-employed or be able to issue invoices.
To register as a translator you must meet the essential requirements and fill in our online form.
No, you do not commit yourself to anything by registering with Cosmolingo. You decide whether or not you want to accept an assignment. However, if you do accept an assignment, you must submit it by the established deadline.
Before accepting an assignment, you will receive the details of the job, with the number of words, submission date, and the total price of the translation. You decide whether or not you want to accept it.
The amount will be established according to the language, type of text and number of words of the translation task.
The payment will be made by bank transfer or by PayPal around the 20th of the month after the work is submitted.
Your translation work will be monitored and assessed by a second translator.